Been there Tried it: Dreampad Pillow

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Disclaimer: Been There, Tried it is based upon personal experiences of those who have tried a particular intervention or service. It is NOT medical or financial advice, nor a substitute for professional advice. It is neither an endorsement or opposition to any intervention or service. This is an opinion piece.

roadmap to sleep
Photo by Snapwire on

My family struggled with sleep for YEARS.  It often took hours to get my child to sleep, and even though she might not fall asleep until 11 pm or midnight, she’d still wake up anytime between the hours of 1 am and 5 am each day.  As a result, we were chronically sleep deprived.

We tried everything to support sleep

Consulted with her pediatrician.  Did a sleep study.  Tried Melatonin.  We’d hear same response:  Have a set bedtime.  No electronics.  Take a warm bath.

As many as 89% of parents who have children with special needs report sleep difficulties, most commonly trouble getting to sleep, staying asleep or early wake times.

We tried the standard advice, but alone, it did not work.  Through trial and error, I found an approach that works for us and it includes using the Dreampad Pillow.

Purchased on Kickstarter about 2 years ago, my daughter uses the Dreampad every night.  I remember watching this product on Shark Tank — and thinking that the Sharks got it oh-so WRONG when they passed.  They don’t understand the value of a good night’s sleep, or how parents who have children with special needs are desperate for a solution (I know that was!)

I remember staring at the clock at 3 am wondering how my kiddo could be up and at ’em after only 3 or 4 hours of sleep each day.

The Dreampad was just one part of our system for getting better sleep. We believe improvements in her attention and overall behavior are due to better sleep. Best of all, I stopped being a zombie.

Yes, it’s pricey for a pillow – but I’d urge you to try it.   It’s a non-invasive way to help calm down the nervous system, and it works.  I now have to wake my daughter for school!

When you try Dreampad, take advantage of our discount code: DP129 for 15% off.

In states with family reimbursement programs for children with disabilities this may be a qualified expensewhen there is a documented sleep disturbance or related diagnosis.

More Tumble into Love Resources

Blue light and sleep
Foods that support sleep
Using a Sleep Log
Sleep Series: How much do our kids need?

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